Acne Removal and Anti Ageing Pack

I am here with a tricky but a fine solution for a face. Many people opt to beauty parlors to get facials to remove acne from their face. But indeed, there is a home remedy which will definitely remove your acne but will ensure your face to be fresh. It will give a new glow. It will as well works as the anti-ageing pack. You just need is a fresh thing that can be found easily in your garden and kitchen racks.

The ingredients are:

Aloe-Vera-Gel-And-Vitamin-E12-14 pieces of aloe vera, fresh 4 lemons to squeeze, 2 vitamin e tablets and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar.


Take fresh aloe vera (12-14 pieces). Peel the green outer to get the aloe vera gel which is located inside green outer layer. Collect all the gel in a container. After you collect your gel, be ready to squeeze four lemons on the gel.Then, get ready with your mixture. Put the gel and squeezed lemon into a mixture and grind it a while then what you have to do is make a pin hole in vitamin capsule and pour the liquid into the mixture. Please be informed that you have to use two capsules at a time. Then, mix it again for a minute.

Now, the mixture must have made a paste. You can refrigerate it for after use as well. You can usually use it at night. Please clean your face and apply the mixture to your dry face and let it be in your face until morning. You will see the visible result after a week.

Good luck guys for the acne free face.

Whiten your teeth

Many people crave for white teeth. They just want to get rid of yellowish teeth. In fact, people invest many dollars for cosmetics. Cigarettes, Coffee, Tea and Chocolates are main culprits for yellowish teeth. They often cannot give up these things but opt to have yellowish teeth. I am here today to describe you a home remedy to cure the yellowish teeth and flourish whiter teeth. I have personally experimented the remedy which works fine and you could even save money. You just need a few items from your kitchen drawers.

The ingredients are: Baking Soda and Lemon Juice.

Literally, Baking Soda, Sodium bicarbonate, is mildly abrasive; gently scrubbing away surface stains to return teeth to a whiter shade. It’s also very alkaline (the opposite of acidic) so I would think if you have a very acidic mouth or eat a lot of acidic food, it could help balance out the Ph, which would be useful as acid breaks down enamel-this is strictly speculation on my part. It will also reduce the acidity of the lemon juice, which acts as a natural bleach of sorts. I use a mixture of baking soda and water on some days, and use the lemon juice on others, as I don’t want to overdo it.

The perfect way to make  a paste with the ingredients is as follows:

Mix several teaspoons of baking soda with enough fresh lemon juice (or water) to make a paste. Wipe your teeth and any extra saliva off of them with a paper towel. Put a good amount of paste onto your toothbrush and apply. Leave the paste on for 1 minute, then rinse, so as to avoid the acid affecting enamel. If you are using just water you can leave it on for up to 3 minutes.